
Upcoming Coffee Tasting and Roasting Events...


Farmers Markets...

Union Square Farmers Market - Union Square Plaza, Somerville, MA

Saturday, 9am-1pm

July 13, 27, Aug 10, 24, Sep 7, 28, Oct 12, 26

Acton Boxborough Farmers Market19 Elm Street, Acton, MA

Sunday, 10am-1pm

July 7, 14, 28, Aug 11, 25, Sept 8, 22, Oct 6 

Lexington Farmers Market - Worthen Road Practice Field, Lexington, MA 

Tuesday, 2pm-6pm

June 4, 18, July 2, 16, 30, Aug 13, 27, Sept 10, 24, Oct 8, 22

Boston Public Market on the Greenway - between Milk St & India St., Boston

Thursday, 2pm-6pm

July 18, Aug 1, 15, 29, Sep 12, 26, Oct, 24

Revere Beach Farmers Market - Revere Beach Waterfront Square (across from State Police barracks)

Friday, 12pm-4pm

Aug 16 & Sep 6

Tastings on Tuesday @10am

Every Tuesday at the roastary in Waltham we will sample unique coffees , explore a variety of brewing styles and try different coffee recipes too. I look forward to gathering in my space with you as we explore the world of coffee. Sign up to attend here